Welcome to the 'European Bonsai Potter Collective' SHOP
The EBPC currently includes 30+ of Europe's finest bonsai potters.
A unique collaborative project, giving you free INFORMATION, & access to quality pots from your favourite potters - all in one place!
View outstanding past works.
Learn about different potters styles.
.... We hope you enjoy, use and pass on this great new resource!
Alex & the EBPC Potters!
Here you will find pots for sale which are not made by EBPC members, or not made specifically for the EBPC.
High-quality pots from Japan, America, and other European pots.
Over the past decade, I have been collecting very high quality Japanese bonsai pots, and have one of the largest collections in Europe. I also share my passion and give lectures on the subject, including how to determine fakes and forgeries.
These ceramics are increasingly valuable and therefore increasing copied. All Japanese bonsai pots purchased from the EBPC are closely examined by Alex Rudd and are guaranteed to be genuine.
Thank you.