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The EBPC currently includes 30+ of Europe's finest bonsai potters.
A unique collaborative project, giving you free INFORMATION, & access to quality pots from your favourite potters - all in one place!
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Alex & the EBPC Potters!
Maidenhair Ceramics - Spain
The only larger 26cm rectangle, in a remarkable Antique Chinese inspired design with dragon-scale pattern and exquisite glazed finish.
This beautiful Antique Chinese homeage pot is a well-formed rectangle with a generous planting depth. The design boasts a visually simple, yet strikingly beautiful arched base design with sturdy integrated feet. To each front is an inset panel, with incised boarder and 'Dragon-scale' pattern. Each scale was individually and meticulously created by hand.
This relief work acts to further enhance this exquisite glazed finish, with thinning and slight pooling of the glaze, to produce lighter translucent toffee toned scales, over darker caramel. An intricate glaze on close inspection, that is quite subdued at first glance.
The pot is stamped with the artists logo and the EBPC logo.
External Measurements (max): 26cm (l) x 14.7cm (w) x 10.2cm (h)
Made by Nick Hopes, Maidenhair Ceramics - Spain
* Maidenhair Ceramics Pots are sold through Mirai in America & the EBPC in Europe. Mirai also have some nice Maidenhair Ceramics pots in store currently, which are worth checking out!